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Maya Slab

Maya Slab
Baja BeigeRiviera

Maya Slab


The Maya stepping stone is a wonderful way to enhance the country feel in one's backyard. When you need to create sturdy, attractive walkways across lawn areas or between plantings, consider a stone path with the Maya stepping stone. Maya creates highly decorative and dominant walkways that compliment the natural environment and provide your garden with a sense of tranquility and peace.

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SKU: 052-57000015. Category: .

Product Description

The Maya stepping stone is a wonderful way to enhance the country feel in one’s backyard. When you need to create sturdy, attractive walkways across lawn areas or between plantings, consider a stone path with the Maya stepping stone. Maya creates highly decorative and dominant walkways that compliment the natural environment and provide your garden with a sense of tranquility and peace.

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Riviera, Baja Beige


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