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Blu Collection

HomeTecho Bloc ProductsTecho Bloc PaversBlu Collection
SandlewoodMojave BeigeHarvest GoldChestnut BrownChamplain GreyAutumn RedShale GreyChocolate Brown (half pallet only)Onyx Black (half pallet only)

Blu Collection


Concrete overlay system.

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Product Description

You can hear the echo of the craftsman’s tools in the honest lines and rugged texture of Blu. Its simple elegance is both classic and contemporary, the look modern, yet eternal. Vibrant color blends add to the opulence, borrowing from the rarest of natural stones. This is luxury. This is Blu.

Additional Information


Blu 80mm Paver, Blu 80mm Smooth Paver, Blu 80mm Aged Paver, Blu 60mm (6″ x 13″) Paver, Blu 60mm Slab, Blu 60mm Aged Slab, Blu 60mm Smooth Slab, Blu 60mm Grande Slab, Blu 60mm Grande Smooth Slab, Blu 45mm Step Overlay


Sandlewood, Shale Grey, Mojave Beige, Champlain Grey, Harvest Gold, Chestnut Brown, Autumn Red, Onyx Black, Chocolate Brown


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