Paver Patio & Fire Pit, Springboro OH

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[two_third][dropcap]A[/dropcap] customer in Springboro, OH wanted a large patio with a fire pit which they could see from the dining room windows. They have a 2-year-old daughter and are looking to have more children so we put a strong emphasis on multiple levels of small grade change versus one large staircase. The hardest objective on this project was to combat the steep grade change. The yard had over 50in. of grade change forcing over 100 tons of limestone to be used to build up the patio. The lower level of the patio will be used as a sun deck for a pool to be built in the future.
The main patio offers 500+ square feet perfect for an outdoor dining area. The fire pit area is roughly 300 square feet to accommodate the larger fire pit. The sun deck area is roughly 300 square feet giving this project a total area of 1100 square feet.
Listed to the right are a list of the products used for this project with links to the products page.[/two_third][one_third_last][custom_list style=”list-9″]
- Techo Bloc Blu 60mm Pavers
- Techo Bloc Hera Pavers
- Techo Bloc Semma Pillar
- Techo Bloc Antique Wall Cap
- Techo-Bloc Aged Caps
- Limestone Boulders & Steps
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[tab title=”Techo-Bloc Blu 60mm”]The homeowner wanted a contemporary patio with a large piece pattern so that the area would not look too busy. They like the textured look of the Blu 60mm and the slate grey color. With the red brick on the home, the slate grey color will add a great compliment. The total area of Blu 60mm is roughly 700 square feet.[/tab]
[tab title=”Hera Pavers”]In this project, the Hera Pavers were used as an accent band around the patio offering a dark band to define the separate entertaining areas. Hera Pavers have an aged/tumbled texture which offer a great compliment to the smooth surface texture of the Blu 60mm. Using Hera squares helps to minimize the amount of cutting necessary for creating curved paver patios. The Hera Pavers in this project are onyx black.[/tab]
[tab title=”Semma Pillar”]The Semma Pillar dimensions are 26in. x 26in. offering a larger column to keep the sizing proportional to the size of the patio. These pillars also help retain the top patio maximizing stability to the staircase between them. The color selected was slate grey to match that of the Blu 60mm Pavers. Capping off the top of the pillar are Techo-Bloc’s York Pillar Cap.[/tab]
[tab title=”Valencia Fire Pit”]The Valencia Fire Pit is a split-face, tumbled wall-block that matches the look of the Semma Collection. Using the Valencia Fire Pit block, we created a 42in. inner-diameter fire pit which is 11in. larger than the standard fire pit. We also added an accent band in onyx black to match the banding around the main patio areas.[/tab]
[tab title=”Aged Caps”]The aged caps were used as the stair treads as well as the seat wall cap. The texture and finish of the aged caps match the Semma Pillars and the Valencia Fire Pit. The caps are 12in. wide offering a 2in. overhand on both sides of the seat wall, giving plenty of room for landscape lighting to be installed under the caps. The color of the Aged Caps were champlain grey to match the seat wall.[/tab]
[tab title=”Limestone Boulders and Steps”]Limestone boulders and limestone slabs were used to retain the raised patio. Using boulders is an inexpensive option to building a retaining wall that offers a natural look as if mother nature created it herself. The limestone steps were custom cut to butt directly against the pavers giving a clean finish.[/tab]